Monday, May 7, 2012

Time to make the donuts...


yes, donuts.

Each year when the week of Mother's Day rolls around, that phrase comes out of my mouth automatically.  Reminiscent of the commercial;  the alarm goes off much too early, my feet swing out of bed, I try to wake up...and the words utter from my lips, followed by a sigh..and a smirk:  "time to make the donuts".

It's a long, long week at the flower shop... with many hours spent creating beautiful bouquets for Mothers, Grandmothers, and other "special women". 

When it comes to Mother's Day, there just is no gift quite like a bouquet of fresh, beautiful, fragrant flowers.

Don't forget to order your bouquet early!  
And it's okay to send it a little early too...couldn't you use some extra bragging rights?

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